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A disciplined approach to collecting from customers can lead to more timely payments and more stability for your business.
Want to get paid faster? Communicating payment terms and conditions with your customers can make a big difference.
When looking at options to raise working capital, some companies may consider factoring while others look into merchant cash advances. What is the difference?
Got a big customer order but not enough cash? Purchase order financing may be the solution.
Many companies seek a secured line of credit, but it can be hard to get one. Here is what you need to know.
As firearm and ammunition sales continue to grow, more manufacturers are factoring their receivables.
The president-elect pledged to cut taxes. Next year will be the proving ground for his plan.
Net 30 can easily become a 60-day wait if you do not have the right procedures in place.
Premium content from RTS Financial can lead to greater understanding of your company's finances.
In trucking, cash flow is king. Here are some strategies for quickly building up more working capital for your company.
Turning invoices into cash should be a simple process, but many companies struggle with it. Here is how to do it right.
New federal and state laws are making it easier for companies to raise money from friends, family and other "novice" investors. The change could have a profound impact on small businesses.